Photo: Zhanna Krukovets conquering Bolivia | thank you!
It has been said that life is a voyage. The analogy fits Life like a glove. It fits because a good voyage is good as far as it is actually taken.
Then if the voyager keeps at it even when the thing gets out of control, when the unpredictable happens, when he is tested beyond what he thought he could handle and when the terrain gets so rough, death seems to lure at the end of every step. That is when he realizes that every time he comes to the edge of himself, more of him materializes.
There are so many untapped measures layered inside of us withering away unexplored because the safe paths carved out by the forerunners are less troublesome than taking the initiative to forge the lives we envision. A life that is forever moving towards the destination of the mind’s eye does not magically happen; it is a creation or a composition of actions which continuously flow till they chisel out the picture in your mind. The trick lies in the continuous movement because the force needed, gains momentum through action. There is always the natural desire to settle down. In a job, in a relationship, in many things and settling may be for your benefit. Where a person is unsettled he is carrying the thing in question with both his hands and cannot pursue other endeavors. What he settles he lays down to free his hands. This allows him to pursue those things which he could not touch while his hands were full, but it is important to pick up other things.
Often with the big few questions of life resolved, people set up camp mid-voyage. They begin to do the things which stagnate rather than moving them further along. This is not of the essence! The key lies in flowing forward and not letting an accomplishment thwart momentum, but rather be an aide allowing us to glide through more tunnels and crash into fewer walls on our voyage through life.