Photo | JORGE CANCELA | CC Thanks!
Those who sip their way to the bottom of that minuscule cup of Turkish coffee will doubtlessly prefer it to every other kind of brew and they can’t be blamed. This Arabic stimulant is the forerunner to Italian espresso, which is not as thick because it’s brewed with coarser grounds. Turkish coffee is brewed with super fine-ground coffee resulting in a frothy, rich texture. Turkish coffee is velvety, luxurious and the perfect way to kick off just about anything.
Brewing Turkish Coffee
You will need an ibrik (a metal Turkish coffee pot, usually made of copper, brass or steel). Medium roast coffee beans ground very fine, to an almost powder-like state which you can grind yourself using a Turkish coffee grinder; grind them at a grocery store or coffee shop (most commercial grinders have a Turkish coffee setting), or buy ground Turkish Coffee from any Mediterranean grocery store.
- Measure and fill ibrik with cold water. Place on stove and turn heat to medium-high.
- When water heats up, add 1 tablespoon of coffee per 3 ounces of water. Do not stir the coffee, just let it float on the surface.
- Add sugar to taste. Do not stir.
- When water gets warm enough to dissolve the sugar and coffee grounds begin to sink into the water, stir several times and turn heat to low. Keep stirring periodically until the coffee begins to foam.
- When little bubbles start to form in the foam, lift the ibrik away from the heat so it does not come to a boil, yet keep it near the heat to allow foam to build.
- Continue to let it foam until it begins to rise. Move it away from the heat for a few seconds, then return it to the heat allowing ti to foam up again.
- While still foaming pour the coffee into small, two-ounce cups. Distribute the foam evenly by pouring quickly, or scooping it out with a spoon.
First drink some water to clear your palette while leaving the coffee to sit, unstirred, for a minute to allow grounds to settle. Turkish coffee is created to be lingered over. Chugging is not the best idea since this method of brewing naturally leaves a fine settlement of bitter, sledge-like grounds. Sip carefully allowing the grounds to remain at the bottom of the cup and enjoy the thick, frothy texture over a delightful conversation.