Classical music is not just ear-deep, it has a profound effect on your nervous system. The intricate structures of timeless melodies will actually improve your health while all you do, is listen.
Ever wonder why classical music shows no sign of withdrawing from concert halls, despite its age? There are many reasons, but one of them goes deeper than your ears to improve your health.
Those intricately structured movements of sound have a profound therapeutic effect on your nerves, helping to restore your nervous system on a subconscious level. That calm you feel during a Beethoven concert is no coincidence. Your body is in therapy mode.
Most people can’t escape to a natural haven to rejuvenate their minds and relax their nervous system, yet having time to reorganize mentally on a regular basis is a must for overall health. When people ignore this fact for too long, they get frazzled, nervous, and ill.
The beauty of classical music is that no matter where you are, you can synthesize your nerves, rest your brain, and relax your body– no environment change needed. Throw on some headphones, turn up the Chopin, and drop in for therapy.
Not All Sounds Are Therapeutic
City noises and various incoherent sounds of everyday life are not just annoying they disturb the nervous system, and it’s important to find a way to balance the adverse effects of negative sounds.
A sound is not just ear– deep. A loud noise makes us jump. A scratchy high-pitched voice, makes us cringe. It is said that a pleasant voice multiplies friends— it lures. Have you noticed that when you jump, or cringe, or find yourself lured into someone’s tale, your physical reaction is not a conscious choice, but rather a subconscious response? Our bodies react to sound as much as our minds respond to words. It has to do with the complex way that soundwaves penetrate the nervous system.
It may take some digging to find classical music you genuinely enjoy, but it’s well worth the effort to have a few go-to compositions on hand for moments when you’re in freak-out mode. After all, music beats meds, instead of reaching for the Advil turn up the Albinoni and you will feel so much better. Trust me. My current favorites are Chopin’s Melody of Paradise and Alessandro Marcello’s Oboe Concerto in D-Minor.